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Security & Management

Elle Martin IT Support

Security & Management Services

Safeguard your business from cyber threats and ensure compliance with JFC’s Security & Management Services. Our expert team offers a range of customisable solutions to protect your organisation and maintain your peace of mind.

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity is no longer a luxury but a necessity. As a business leader, you understand technology’s vital role in driving your operations and growth. However, with increasing digitalisation comes the ever-looming threat of cyber attacks. At JFC, we recognise these challenges and are dedicated to providing robust, bespoke security solutions designed to meet your unique needs. Our goal is to empower your business with the confidence to navigate the digital world securely so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business. Let us be your trusted ally in securing your business’s future.

Security Services

At JFC, we provide an array of services tailored to your businesses’ unique needs, including:

Security Audits

Identify vulnerabilities in your company’s systems and receive strategic recommendations to rectify any issues.

Penetration Testing

Uncover potential weaknesses in your security infrastructure before cybercriminals can exploit them.

Cyber Essentials Certification

Demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity and protect your business from a wide range of cyber attacks.

Gap Analysis

Determine the most relevant and effective security policies and procedures to implement in your organisation.

Security Patching

Keep your systems up-to-date and protected against known vulnerabilities.

Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Planning

Prepare your company for the unexpected with comprehensive contingency plans.

Anti-Virus Management

Ensure your organisation is defended against malicious software threats.

Recommendations for Good Practice, Standards, and Processes

Stay ahead of the curve with expert advice on best practices and industry standards.

Security Audits

A Security Audit systematically evaluates your business’s information systems, assessing how well they conform to a set of established criteria. By rigorously testing your systems, we identify any vulnerabilities that pose threats to your business’s cybersecurity. We then provide detailed reports and strategic recommendations to strengthen your security posture, helping you rectify any issues before cyber threats can exploit them. Conducting a Security Audit with JFC provides peace of mind and demonstrates to your clients your commitment to maintaining the highest data protection standards.

Benefits of Cyber Security for SMEs

Investing in robust cyber security measures pays off in the long run, particularly for SMEs. Here are some of the key benefits:

Protection Against Cyber Threats

Cyber security solutions help protect your business from potential threats like malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and more. Safeguarding your systems significantly reduces the risk of cyberattacks, ensuring your operations remain uninterrupted.

Safeguarding Sensitive Data

SMEs often handle sensitive customer data. A solid security system protects this data from breaches, reinforcing your reputation as a secure and reliable business partner.

Compliance with Regulations

Many industries have regulatory frameworks that require businesses to have certain security measures in place. Investing in cyber security helps you meet these compliances, avoiding potential penalties.

Protecting Financial Assets

Cyberattacks can result in significant financial losses. By securing your business, you are also safeguarding your financial assets.

Boosting Customer Trust

Demonstrating that you prioritise security boosts your credibility in the eyes of customers, leading to improved customer trust and loyalty.


Peace of Mind

Knowing your business is protected allows you to focus on other aspects of your operations with confidence.

Contact Us Today

At JFC, your business’s security is our top priority, regardless of its size. We provide top-tier computer security services tailored specifically for SMEs in Hereford, proving that top-level protection isn’t exclusive to big corporations. With our cloud-managed and monitored services, you can be assured of a comprehensive digital shield safeguarding your business around the clock. Should you need assistance, our 24/7 helpdesk is ready to address your concerns promptly. We understand the risks associated with underestimating the importance of cyber security and believe that no SME should gamble with such high stakes. Don’t leave your business vulnerable to cyber threats; instead, let JFC be your trusted partner in cyber security. Contact us today for a consultation and discover how we can fortify your business’s digital defences.